BBPT has a clear strategy for reaching Banjara people group of India. Training the new believers is the need of the hour in the BBPT ministry. Proven effective training materials from reliable sources are used. The Banjara in general are receptive to the Gospel, but like other tribal’s are addicted to many bad habits such as alcohol, tobacco, and prostitution. Illiteracy, Poverty and lack of health education are added disadvantage.  It is equally important to train the competent leaders and send to the field to evangelise and plant churches. We are working with an sence of urgency to have a body of believers in every thanda of India, for which a trained leaders need to be raised for a constant follow-up and regular discipleship and mentoring programs in each and every village and thanda for the holistic transformation.

Portable Bible School: PBSes are the 40 days training takes to the various areas. Training is conducted by bringing together local lay leaders in their own contexts and developing their leadership skills with essential biblical, theological and pastoral tools for their ministerial works.  PBS adapt existing academic resources to the realities and experiences of village, slum and rural ministries. This year we could able to consider and organize the PBS in 17 centers for 680 leaders.  Till date, BBPT trained 4809 lay leaders through the Portable School of Evangelism.    

School of Evangelism (SOE): SOE is for the leaders who have a heart for spreading the gospel, and for those who have shown spiritual maturity and manifested the spiritual gifts needed for leadership. We were able to train, prepare, and equip 30 committed leaders for this year in full time ministry through SOE training. As a part of the practical work students were sent to the Vizianagaram, East Godavari, Guntur, Anantapur and Srikakulam districts to experience the fellowships through the help of local church planters and their leaders. 

They stayed in their assigned areas for three months and experienced the field work. We are in the process of raising the commitments for two years support for these church planters to go into the field. After two years of work the church planters are self-support through their local resources.  . 

 Evangelism Van:This year a van was provided for the Bible students for outreach activities 

As part of their training the students will be traveling every weekend for evangelism ministry. This vehicle is a very good means of transportation to the Banjaras villages. We are confident that this vehicle will be used for 8-10 years effective for the students to travel for outreach activities.